Liturgical rebels
The Liturgical Rebels podcast is for spiritual seekers who no longer feel comfortable with a traditional approach to Christian religious observances. It empowers followers of Jesus to creatively reconstruct their faith and spiritual practices.
Through conversation with groundbreaking practitioners from around the world who think creatively about new approaches to spirituality, we will emphasize the sacredness of all things and uncover ways in which God speaks to us through nature and creativity, through restorative justice and environmental concern, and through the mundane and ordinary acts of daily life. This podcast is for those who don’t want to just deconstruct, but also to reconstruct faith and spiritual practices; those who want to reshape belief and practice to journey closer to God and the wholeness, peace, justice and flourishing God intends not just for us as individuals but for the earth and all its inhabitants.
Episode 24 - Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery with Sarah Augustine

Episode 23 - An Indigenous Perspective with Randy Woodley

Episode 22 - Beyond Liturgy with Danae Ashley

Episode 21 - A Year in Review with Forrest Inslee

Episode 20 - Exploring Celtic Christianity with David Cassian Cole

Episode 19: Calligraphy, Illumination and Artwork with Mary Fleeson

Episode 18 - with Christine Valters Paintner Online Abbess at Abbey of the Arts

Episode 17: Celtic Spirituality with John Philip Newell

Episode 16 - Celtic Musical Inspiration with Jeff Johnson

Episode 15 Introducing Celtic Spirituality with Tom Sine

Episode 14 - Brian Edgar and the God Who Plays

Episode 13 - Beyond Church with Martin Poole

Episode 12: Faith Shifting with Kathy Escobar

Episode 11 - Iconography with Kelly Latimore

Episode 10 - Yarn bombing with Naomi Lawrence

Episode 9 - Beyond Doom Christine and Forrest Inslee interview Brian McLaren

Episode 8 - Into the Wild with Tony Jones

Episode 7 - Author and Activist Shane Claiborne

Episode 6 - Creative Worship with Lilly Lewin

Episode 5: Curating Worship with Mark Pierson and co-host Lilly Lewin

Episode 4: Psalm Prayers and Block Prints with Kreg Yingst

Episode 3 - Explore Art with Scott Erickson

Episode 2: Poetry As A Spiritual Practice with Drew Jackson

Introducing Liturgical Rebels Inaugural Episode with Forrest Inslee